“The time is coming, and has now come…”

What a special privilege it is to be able to draw aside for a while and sit at the feet of our Lord, lost in wonder, love and worship. Such a time provides us with a foretaste of the throne room, since worship is the only activity that we engage in on earth that we will also experience in heaven.

These are moments to delight in the presence of God. The word ‘delight’ is used 15 times in the Psalms. It literally means to have a good time worshipping God, praising Him together with others in singing, dance, making music, ‘making a joyful noise.” It is a spiritual activity that usually expresses itself in a physical act.

Paul said: In Him we live and move and have our being. When we worship, we give full expression to the joy of sins forgiven. If evangelism is the call to relationship with God, then worship is the demonstration of that relationship. There can be no true worship without a true understanding of salvation.  It is the heart of all we are and are becoming.

My prayer is that together we will rise high in praise and bend low in worship.