When Jesus comes…

One of the things that marks old age is the persistent tendency of my age group to revisit pur yesterdays and repeat old stories – sometimes trying to the limit the kindly patience of what is often a captive audience. It’s as though a train has left the station and nothing can be done until it reaches its destination, so one might as well go along for the ride 😊!

How amazing then, that the stories of Jesus never grow old to those who know him. In fact, after 71 years of knowing him, I still love to hear of what He said and did, and when he is lifted up in preaching and songs of worship, my heart burns, ignited by a powerful joy I can hardly explain. I raise my hands, I shout, I pray and I would dance if I still was able!

As a child I was told this story about the song “Tell me His name again.” Many years ago, a missionary in China visited an isolated mountain community to share the Gospel but it was hard going and discouraging – he didn’t stay long. Years later he returned, not hopeful of finding any fruit that remained. But when he approached the village, an old woman ran out to meet him, and fell at his feet with these words: “Oh sir, when you were here last time you told me about a wonderful Savior whom I have come to love. He has changed my life but, please sir, tell me his name again.” As I heard it, the writer of The Old Rugged Cross, George Bennard, heard the story and then immortalized it in this beautiful old song.

Nowadays, few people remember who Oswald Smith was. Not only was he a great preacher, but he wrote over 1200 poems, 100 of which were set to music. I accompanied my dad many times when he sang this amazing song and it still is a personal favorite because of how vividly it pictures the old, old story… I haven’t heard it in a very long time but I have witnessed its power to bring many a world-weary and seeking soul to the altar in life-changing response.

“One sat alone beside the highway begging,

His eyes were blind, the light he could not see;

He clutched his rags and shivered in the shadows,

Then Jesus came and bade his darkness flee.

When Jesus comes the tempter’s pow’r is broken;

 When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away.

He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory,

   For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.

‘Unclean! unclean!’ the leper cried in torment,

The deaf, the dumb, in helplessness stood near;

The fever raged, disease had gripped its victim,

Then Jesus came and cast out every fear.”

There are more verses, but these will suffice today. I think I need to go to my piano now and sing them all with a burning heart. What a Savior!