Forgetting to remember…
I look forward to Thursday, my day dedicated to writing and thinking. It’s often a re-calibrating time for me – sometimes the voices in this broken world become so loud that I find my hearing in the Spirit dulled, and I have to deliberately remind myself of the times when the Lord graciously protected me from myself and adjusted my heart. In my spirit I see Isaiah throw out his prophet’s hand to me from time past and shout: “Listen to me, all who hope for deliverance – all who seek the LORD! Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were mined!” I gratefully testify that this ‘considering’ reminds me, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”
A long life contains many memories, too many for instant recall. So, when we sit with friends and family in the back and forth of conversation, memories are triggered, and sometimes it’s like being reconnected with a past version of ourselves: “Oh my word – I had forgotten about that!” Suddenly, details long forgotten flood our hearts and we smile in recognition or shudder at past folly. The Lord repeatedly told Israel to remind themselves of his dealings with them. They kept forgetting – he kept reminding, and we are no different. There is a simple old chorus I grew up with that comes from this part of the world. It says, “When I remember what the Lord has done, I’ll never go back anymore. No, no, no, no, no! I’ll never go back anymore!”
BestBeloved and I have often been asked for our secret to a long, contented marriage and I’m not always sure we have a helpful answer, but I do know that sometimes the best marriage must remember the beginning to make sense of the present and put things into perspective. So, when my questions exceed my faith, when my heartache speaks louder than the ‘still, small voice’, I know it’s time to stop and take time to remind myself of the things I AM sure about, even if it means that to re-discover why I’m a Christian I must go back to my childhood decision to invite Jesus into my heart.
Today I choose to remember some specific events that, with the wisdom of hindsight, I now know would have meant utter destruction. How marvelous is the grace of God! And, I also choose to ask the Holy Spirit to be sure to prompt me, in whatever way necessary, when I DO forget.