Always looking up……

Last evening, sitting in our family's beautiful garden here in Germany, I counted my blessings - again! God's artistry really knows no bounds. The house borders on a huge wheat field, and there can be few things as lovely as slender grasses moving hypnotically in the breeze, surrounded by wildflowers of many shapes and colors. It's as though I can see the breath of our great Creator God in action, divine design that I get to enjoy because I have eyes to see! I still love to sing, "I come to the garden alone...And He walks with me, And He talks with me." I am grateful for the grace of age, the quietness of it, the time to now really smell the roses :-)

For about a year now, Best Beloved and I have started our day listening to David Suchet on YouTube, reading the Bible. Peter is in Africa, and having listened to most of the New Testament I decided today on a book I confess I haven't visited in a very long time - Lamentations. In the stillness of very early morning (I'm jetlagged), the poignant words of the prophet Jeremiah became such a vivid picture of what is taking place in Israel at the moment.  I felt his agony of heart as he called out to God on behalf of his people, and it moved me deeply. Standing in the gap is never easy and I know that you, like me, have had times when all you could manage was raise your hands to heaven in supplication. How often I have prayed: "Lord, please do what only YOU can do!" I have done this doing dishes, I have done it standing in the shower, I have done it sitting at my table with hot tears blurring my vision.

And then, just when Jeremiah's heartache became almost too much to hear, this beloved scripture was read, and instantly I was reminded that looking up is the posture of those who have learned "my help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth." Oh, the joy!

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

 his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22,23)

He IS faithful. We can trust his promises, and we can depend on HIM hearing every prayer. Sometimes it is only a cloud the size of a man’s hand but get ready for the rain!