A Good Today…

One of the stranger things that life throws at me is the growing realization, that much as I might resist it, in some ways I am turning into both my parents. The mother part usually reveals itself as the pithy sayings with which she colored my child-world and the hospitality she was so good at. The father part is increasingly sentimental about occasions... "Enjoy this (fill in the blank 😊) today…. it might be the last time." I recently had a canvas print made of the 2 of them on their 60th wedding anniversary, kissing, and I look at it with gentle nostalgia because they have long since gone to glory. But life moves on irresistibly, so I touch their faces, wipe my eyes and carry on.

We are preparing for an extended trip to our home in South Africa, something we both look forward to very much, Best Beloved because he plans to do a lot of flying and me because many of the people I love dearly live there. Our ‘to do’ list is long and includes all the things we love to do as a couple, long road trips, picnics enjoyed while taking in the gorgeous ocean scenery in our area, driving as many mountain passes as we can, game viewing in nearby nature preserves. At this age, things are no longer kept on the ‘bucket list’ – they are moved to the present. After all, the ‘one day’ that we saved for, is now here!

It’s strange how much ‘today’ we humans tend to put off for ‘tomorrow,’ and yet the Word is full of exhortations and ways to ‘redeem’ the present. Manna was a today food; salvation is a today gift. In fact, the more I search the scriptures, the more impressed I am that this moment I am in is a precious divine possibility with long-term benefits overshadowed by the Holy Spirit Himself!

So, let me be a blessing to someone, today. May my love for others be their golden treasure, today. Let my faith be the evidence of things not seen, today. And, in fact, let me enjoy my life, today, because this day will definitely not come along again.

“Make the best use of your time, despite all the difficulties of these days. Don’t be vague but firmly grasp (today) what you know to be the will of God” (Eph. 5:16 Phillips).

Thank you, Brother Paul 😊!