

Evangeline -

The Wonderings and Wanderings of a Pilgrim...

My friends call me Vangi -

But my full name is Evangeline, a name I was given by parents who prayed that the Good News would be my life's work. It proved to be prophetic. For most of my life I have been an ardent disciple of Jesus Christ, and the older I get, the more closely I try to follow Him.
In the days of my youth, I was a pastor and preacher. Nowadays, I spend my days creatively, painting, making music and trying to capture the words that often swirl around my head in wild abandon. I also enjoy cooking for people I love, and have grown to love the quiet joys of listening.....

My story is long, spanning two centuries, starting in 1946 in the little town of Kokstad in South Africa. I was born to a young couple just setting out in pastoral ministry, and the way they lived out their calling made me who I am today. Best Beloved Pete van den Berg and I married in 1969 and since then we have traveled the world pursuing the call of God on our lives.
I love being Mom, Grammy and Oggie to some of the most interesting people I know 😊! This old world fascinates me endlessly, and I love to share the things in it that bring me joy and the table fellowship of a home-cooked meal, breaking bread with friends and family. This is my living space. Welcome!❤️

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